April 4, 2009

Saturday's Creations

I got a lot done today. I spent all stinkin' day Friday cleaning my house so that I wouldn't feel guilty crafting all day Saturday...(guilt never stops me though). So, today I finished all of these projects. Whew! This is a little white frame I found at the dollar store. It had a second frame inside. I took some scrapbooking paper (the paisley paper) and lined the space between the two frames. Then I cut out these little mary janes from felt and glued them together. Then I glued them to the scalloped paper and rickrack. The flowers on the toes and the buttons are brads. This is a little sign for my dear baby niece who is just 3 months old.

Next, I worked on my cousin's handbag and a surprise gift for ordering. Linda, if you are reading this, don't scroll down any further until you get your package!
I also made some thank you notes for those who have ordered purses.

Lastly, I made my swap card for my card group. Everyone is making cards using the pattern I made up. You can find the free pattern here.
Did you notice a sort of color scheme here? Very Springy...no?


Anonymous said...

Great work! I love the photo frame and the card. Thanks for coming by my blog today!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

you did those pink maryjanes? Curses! And then a cup cozie? Curses again!
You're amazing!

Housewife Savant said...

Wow so crafty. Everything is beautiful!

Suzi said...

Very cool stuff! You are so crafty, I love it.

Julia said...

My goodness...you have been BUSY!
Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Hey girls I’m starting a recipe swap Monday! I just put up all the information on my blog, so if you are interested please come by and leave me a comment. I started this last year and had a blast – so I decided to start it back up. Hope you join in on some fun !!!

DomesticDivasFancy said...

Those look wonderful! I absolutley love the dress card. I am going to post this on my saturdays scrapper if you dont mind. I have an "I was featured as a Saturday Scrapper" button you can pick up and add to your page. I love your work. It is amazing.

Ashley Nichole.

Tanielle said...

Too cute! You are one very talented gal!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Pattie said...

These are so cute :) and thanks for visiting my blog :)!!!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I love the shoe frame & the dress card.

Anonymous said...

Great cards!!!!

Love that sign you made in the frame too!

Whitney said...

Oh my! You got so much done!!! I LOVE the drink holder, it's adorable, I love how it looks like a corset!

CDB said...

Oh my gosh, you are incredibly creative! What an amazing job.. those little felt Mary Janes are the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Looks like I know where to get my next homemade card!!

Thanks for swinging by earlier!!

Brittany Ann said...

Cute stuff! I love your cards and your bags. 'll have to check out your shop.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. You should absolutely try applique. It's INCREDIBLY easy, and the results are fun.
Have a great day! :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Pretty!!! =D

Hit 40 said...

Forget cleaning! Your craft will be fabulous. The darn toilet is probably already dirty again.

Hit 40 said...

And... cute craft!!!

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