July 15, 2009

Bribery and Bikes

Remember when you were a kid and you got your first taste of freedom on your bike? You couldn't wait to hit the open road. Wind blew through your hair and you were more than 100 yards from home. It was exciting. It was a thrill. Learning to ride your bike was awesome because all of the other kids in the neighborhood were riding and you wanted to go to the store with them for some penny candy.

Did our kids WANT to ride bikes? No. Did they care? No. There are no kids in our neighborhood who can ride bikes with them. They have no interest at all. Jeff and I would like to be able to go biking somewhere with the boys, but that didn't interest them. So how did we get them interested enough to learn? Bribery. If you learn to ride, you get the video game of your choice. Works every time.

Both boys learned to ride their bikes today! Call me mean, but I just put them on the bike, gave them a push and away they went. Jeff has been helping them figure it out by holding onto them, and I was doing that with V. at first, but then I felt he could hold the bike up, so I gave a push and away he went. Of course, it helped that G. learned first.

You may want to turn your sound down before pushing play. My squeeky, excited voice is very loud on there. Why didn't someone tell me I sounded like that? Sorry.

It takes forever to upload a video.... so I'll post G's first and then upload V's as an edit.

Here is V's ride. It isn't as long because he needed more help, so it is hard to help and videotape.


The Queen of Clearance said...

I wouldnt ride my bike when I was a kid either. My mom took of the training wheels, and I was done with it :) I didn't learn how to ride one without training wheels until I was 14?15? Im glad your kids learned how, It would have been easy if I had learned when I was younger!

Small House said...

CUTE! I taught my kids to ride their bikes the same way. It worked perfectly!!! Fun for them.

Debbie said...

My husband and I were just talking this week about how kids can't just ride all day now like they used to. It's terrible.

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