
April 18, 2011

Spring Break Vacation to San Diego

Hi, My Friends!  I am home from a lovely, much needed vacation in San Diego.  I have lots of pictures to share.  We used to live in San Diego so it was like a homecoming.  When we moved to NY, the boys were only 2 and 5, so they really didn't remember much about where they were born.  We showed them the old neighborhood and took them to our old haunts.  Our oldest who is now 10, remembered some things once we started talking about all of the places we would go.  It is great going on vacation to a place that you know so well.  You just jump in the car and drive.  No maps needed, no confusion, no wrong lanes!

We started our vacation with a driving tour of the city.  We started in Scripps Ranch which was our old neighborhood.  Then we traveled through University City (where we once had an apartment) and then went to La Jolla where I worked for years.  We spent hours in La Jolla enjoying the seals at Children's Beach and played in the park on nature's playground... lots of awesome old trees. 

We then drove to Pacific Beach and had boat sushi at Kabuki Sushi.  My little one realized that sushi is awesome once he figured out that he didn't like nori (seaweed).  He at lots of Nigiri and really enjoyed it for the first time!
We walked around Pacific Beach for a while, bought new sunglasses and then went to Yogurtland which is an interesting new "thing" in CA.  They didn't really have this new crop of frozen yogurt places while we lived there.  You pay $.33/oz and serve yourself then weigh it at the end.  The boys really enjoyed it!

Next, we headed through Mission Beach, down the highway to downtown San Diego and across the bridge to Coronado.  We drove around there for a little while and showed the kids Hotel Del then headed back up 15 to our hotel.  That night we ate at Rubios where the kids had their first fish tacos.  Everyone was tired from lots of walking and went to bed rather early for the first night! 

Well, that's day one.  I hope you enjoyed it.  I will post about the other days throughout the week. I have lots of beautiful pictures from all of the different attractions including the zoo and Legoland and Balboa Park. 

I hope you all have/had a great Spring Break!  We came home to rain and snow and these in my yard....

 I also got some of my Easter stuff out. I can't believe it is already Easter!  I have a lot to do to get ready for it! 
See you tomorrow with Day 2 of our trip!

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