
June 24, 2010

Kids' Last Day!

Most of you who receive email from my blog will not be at all interested in these pictures, so I apologize now.  Just hit the big ol' delete button.  These are really pictures to share with friends and family who know the kids. LOL!   

The boys' last day celebrations were today.  V. was so sad to end the school year and G. couldn't be happier to see Summer underway!

Here are the pictures from their party at the end of the day.  The teachers and staff all stay outside and wave to the buses as the buses honk their horns and the kids wave goodbye.  It is always a tear jerker for some reason. 

Bring on Summer!


  1. Ahhhh...super cute Tami. May be cutting and pasting these on mine. You would think I would learn to charge my battery or buy a second one.

    Who are those huge kids?

  2. Looks like such a fun way to end the school year! They are getting so tall! I can't wait to see them again!

  3. Great idea! Those kids seemed to be having a good time with celebrating the last day of school. Love your pictures of the kids and hope they enjoy their time off from school.
