
April 23, 2010

Our Trip To NY City

First of all.....
How awesome is it that Seth Aaron won Project Runway after I met him at our hotel???

Okay... now I have tons of pictures from our trip, but most of the city ones were taken from the car {by the kids} and they didn't turn out well.  Lots of blur!  So, I am posting a lot of pictures which were taken either in Times Square or in Central Park.  We had an awesome time, ate awesome food, did some fun shopping and just played all day.

The kids' big realization?  They'd rather smell country sewer (cow poo) than city sewer.

See Elmo?
Hmmm... Which colors should we choose?
Cute face!
The best place on earth.... The Nintendo World Store
Happy much?
We visited the museum, but my camera battery had started to go dead.
Central Park
Koala?  Sloth?
My cute husband...
Central Park Zoo
Aren't you glad I shared?  LOL!  Back to painting my sewing room. I want to have it done by next weekend!


  1. Hi Tami . I love comments too and I wanted to come by and thank you for visiting Becolorful and leaving such a flattering comment. I am flattered to be compared to Makenzie Childs. I had not heard of her until recently but several readers have told me this.

    Looks like your trip was delightful and I love Project Runway but I Tivo it and am always a number of episodes behind. So Seth Arron won? :) I'm glad.
    You have some great looking kids there and it looks like everyone had a fab time.
    Thanks again,

  2. What great pictures! I went to NYC with a girlfriend in May/June 2008, and I had such a great time. It really is an inspiring place, and I imagine especially for a crafty blogger like you - all the colors, textures, people and environments. How cool is that to have a celeb experience too? :)
