
April 25, 2010

How to Paint Stripes on Furniture with Painter's Tape

I had a blast painting stripes on my dresser!  I wanted to share with you how to do this with painter's tape.  Have you ever tried to paint with painter's tape and realized that the paint has seeped under the edge of your tape, so you end up with a messy line?  So annoying!  Then you try to straighten the line and it is still a mess because painting a straight line is hard.  

Well, I have a TRICK!   Following is a tutorial to show you how you do it.

Step one....  Choose your two colors.  Paint the whole surface with the lighter of the color.  In my case, white.  Let it dry very well. 

Step two...  use a piece of the painter's tape as a spacer and make your lines.  Be sure to press the edges of the tape down very well.

This is the trick!

Next.... paint over the edges of the tape with the same light color. Weird, right?  But this seals the edges of the tape and allows anything that is going to seep under to match.  Cool, right?

See, I'm painting over the edges with white.

Here are the edges painted white.  Now let it dry, again, very well.

Now paint your other color over the white and over the tape edges and let that dry.

Remove your tape.

And  there you have it.  Nice crisp stripes.

A Little Added Whimsy

Hello and Happy Sunday {or Monday}
It is a crappy, rainy day here in upstate, NY, so it is a good day for painting!

My sewing room in coming along slowly but surely.  Have you ever been so inspired by something that you ran along and started something in about 1 minute because you HAD to?

Pamela over at Be Colorful showed a beautiful piece of furniture that she had made for her Traveling Door Sale.  We had a nice convo via comments about craftrooms being fun to decorate because they are all yours and you can be as creative & as girly as you like.  Well, after seeing her piece, I went right down and started adding some whimsy to my furniture.  I love the way it turned out!

I had already painted the insides of each drawer a different color, but I had different drawer liner (a heavy piece of wrapping paper) in them.  I switched them out, so here is what the insides of the drawers look like.
I am writing up a tutorial to teach you how to make stripes like this on furniture and will publish it soon.
Sorry for the bad picture, but this is a picture with all of the drawers open a bit.  The pink
one needs some touch-up on the edge, but I wasn't sure if I was going to change it to red or not.  Now I know I am not going to change it, so I will touch it up.  They are also out of order this picture, but you get the idea.

More of the blue drawer.


April 23, 2010

Our Trip To NY City

First of all.....
How awesome is it that Seth Aaron won Project Runway after I met him at our hotel???

Okay... now I have tons of pictures from our trip, but most of the city ones were taken from the car {by the kids} and they didn't turn out well.  Lots of blur!  So, I am posting a lot of pictures which were taken either in Times Square or in Central Park.  We had an awesome time, ate awesome food, did some fun shopping and just played all day.

The kids' big realization?  They'd rather smell country sewer (cow poo) than city sewer.

See Elmo?
Hmmm... Which colors should we choose?
Cute face!
The best place on earth.... The Nintendo World Store
Happy much?
We visited the museum, but my camera battery had started to go dead.
Central Park
Koala?  Sloth?
My cute husband...
Central Park Zoo
Aren't you glad I shared?  LOL!  Back to painting my sewing room. I want to have it done by next weekend!

April 21, 2010

Our Spring Break

We just came back from our Spring Break in Manhattan and we had an awesome time!  I am tired and the kids are beat.  Walking all over NY is great exercise!  The biggest thrill and the first thing I have to blog about is that Seth Aaron from Project Runway was staying at our hotel!  He was really nice and let me take a photo outside where he was vegging.   I can't wait to see who won tomorrow night!  I really love his stuff so far and can't wait to see his collection.  I think Mila has to be a close second though.  Her stuff is retro cool and very black and white which is a favorite combo of mine.

Anyway, here he is!  Love those over-sized glasses, don't you?  More later.... AFTER I get some sleep.

April 16, 2010

Redecorated Sewing Room

Okay, I'm not done.  I may NEVER be done!  I still have a ton to do, but if you remember my PLAID room with old, crappy furniture which was left behind by previous owners, you will appreciate this.  I went to the Christmas Tree Shops and found a cute little bookshelf for $30.  I painted the backing of it the same color as the dresser and sat the whole thing on top of this dresser.

See below?  Notice the lack of plaid walls?   That picture frame on the bottom shelf will go onto a wall eventually.  Also, those cake plates are made using outdoor plastic plates and glass candle sticks glued together with E-6000 glue.  They will be great to pile spools of ribbon on, one of my cake pin cushions and such.
Today is the first day of Spring Break, so I may get some more painting done this week. The walls are half finished and the rest is half primed.  Two coats of paint and I will be done with that.  Then I have a table and chair to paint.  I have to take breaks because my room is in the basement with little venthilation and even with a fan running, it is STINKY!!!   Cute, but stinky!

There you have it for now.  Thought you might enjoy a peek!  Have a great weekend!

April 10, 2010

Do You Miss Me???

In case you are wondering {and I know you are} where I have been this week, well I am in the midst of a big painting project/room re-do.  I'm redecorating my sewing room.   Before it was just a conglamoration of crappy, used furniture.  Well, it still is, but now the crappy, used furniture will at least be less haphazard in the room.  The plaid walls will be gone.  The only thing I'm not changing right now is the carpeting, but if I find the right one for the right price, there may even be a new area rug in the room.  That is iffy though!

Here are the before pictures so you can see what I'm talking about.  When I am done, I will post the afters.  There is still A LOT to do.  Priming, drying, painting, drying, etc., etc., etc.  This may take a week.  I can't wait to get it back together!  For now, you will just have to enjoy this picture of this cute bracelet I found at a thrift store the other day.  Is it not candy-licious???

Oh yeah, and this FAB fabric I bought!  Wonder what I will do with this?  Hmmmm....
And my son's "How To Train Your Dragon" dragon that he made out of playdough. He whipped it up in about 1 minute. Amazing
Have a great weekend!