
February 20, 2010

A Purse I Made and the Olympics

I'm amazed at the Olympics this year. Is it me, or are the speeds out of control? I worry for these people's moms. I can't imagine the first time my kids show me that they can do a half-pipe.
I think I'll ground them.

A word of advice.... if you find yourself hurling yourself through space, you should STOP.

Anyway, here's the purse I worked on last week. It is finally all done. Covered buttons and all.
I didn't have a pattern or directions. I just faked my way through it and I think it turned out pretty well. I've already had people say that they want one too. :-)

If you click on the picture, it should open larger to show more detail.

Speaking of crazy stunts.... Ahem... who do I ground? The one on top or his brother and Dad?
I need to nip this behavior in the bud! LOL!
Smarty pants!



  1. Cute bag. Most of the time when I sew, I kinda wing it too, but I haven't tried anything so complex yet. It's on the list though!

    I know what you mean about the Olympics and those P&G "mom" commercials make me teary HAHA!

    Like the new colors!

  2. I love the bag, and I completely agree with you about the Olympics. I worry that there is a need to keep pushing the envelope for these athletes. Did you see how many of the female skiers crashed? They changed the course, but still..... If Ben takes up ski jumping, he is grounded!

  3. That is a gorgeous purse! I should try making my own. I do have a lot of vinyl scraps left over from my Hubby's upholstery shop that I could use.

    Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog! :D

    Greetings from Mexico!

  4. Tell Jeff not to do that by the glass door OR the railing -- that makes me nervous just looking at a picture!
