
January 6, 2010

Trash to Treasure Thriftstore Find

Today, while shopping at a thrift store, I found some pretty wool fabric and an off white, cotton cable knit sweater. The fabric looked like it would be perfect as a skirt with the sweater, but, alas, the sweater was too small for me and there wasn't enough fabric to fit around my big ol' butt! I brought it home anyway thinking I could do SOMETHING with it.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the sweater before I got started, but you will get the idea. It had a high collar on it, but otherwise it was just a cable knit. Here's part of the sweater cut up and the fabric. Pretty as an outfit, don't you think? So, I paid $.50 for the fabric and $2.25 for the sweater.

As soon as I got it home, I knew what I wanted to do with it. I decided to make a sweater-lined purse with it. I love the wintery feel of it and can't wait to carry it. I used the sweater body to make the lining. I used the bottom of the sweater as the top of the bag. That way, I didn't have to worry about finishing edges so that the sweater wouldn't unravel where I cut it.
The pockets inside are made with the neck of the sweater.
Tune in tomorrow night to see what I do with the rest of the fabric and sweater pieces!
I've posted this over at Kimm's wonderful blog called "Reinvented"... if you get a chance, you have to go check it out. She does lots of crafting from FOUND objects!


  1. Wow! This is so cool! How creative are you? :) Just visiting over from SITS---great blog!

  2. So cool Tami! Maybe someday I'll be good enough at sewing to accomplish a project like that! So good to hear from you, thanks for linking up!

  3. Awesome!! I love it. You are so talented girl!!!

  4. Very impressive! You made a great-looking bag from fun, found items. So creative! Love your blog design - so cute! Thanks for stopping by My Lipstick Life :)

  5. Super cute idea!! I'm gonna have to bust out my sewing machine now.. this post has inspired me to dust it off and start using it again. :)

    Stopping by from SITS. Super cute blog by the way.

  6. Wow... too cute. I lOVE this. Keri

  7. This is adorable! And I'm with Mommy Taylor—time to bust out my machine.

    Thanks for stopping by my place via SITS — you've got some awesome ideas over here. I'm going to have much fun looking around :-)
