
June 16, 2009

Cupcakes and Purses

We're getting close to the end of the school year here in NY! Finally! At least the weather has held out and the schools haven't been TOO hot this June. I always feel bad for the kids who have to go to school with no air-conditioning mid-June, but this has been our coldest June in history, so it has been nice for them.
Yesterday I baked cupcakes for my son's Kindergarten class. He is studying bugs, so I repeated my bug theme for the class. There were a few cupcakes left over, so I made on using my older son's comic book character, Meep! Isn't he cute?

Here is one of the cupcakes that I was particularly fond of.

Oh... and this one!

Another less glared photo..... The plates are black depression glass. Aren't those scalloped edges adorable?

Here's the whole box. If you click on the picture it should open larger for you.

While working on my "gardening" {and by gardening, I mean weeding}, I found these adorable little pansies among a million weeds. Awe!
Here is a picture of another purse I made today. I love this one so much, I may have to keep it. Of course, I've said that about all of them so far! How many purses can one girl have, anyway???

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. those are the cutest cupcakes EVER. You are way too ambitious for me - I'm tired just thinking about your day :)

  2. Nice Meep.

  3. Those cupcakes are just too darn cute! I love how you added the little flowers to the spiders! And you made a little snail this time. He's darling! Of course, G's Meep is great! Your new purse is wonderful. The person that gets that one will just love it!

  4. Those cupcakes are ... HOT!!!
    can i have one?


  5. Man, those cupcakes look amazing. I must have one now! I'll bet the kids were amazed as well. :-)


  6. Popped in from Whitney's to say hi! What could be better than cupcakes and purses?

  7. Those look so delish! Look how clever you are!! I mean, I know you are clever, but I'm always shocked by how much you get done!

  8. Tami,
    Thanks for stopping by to visit. Your boys are adorable!

  9. I'm tellin ya, you can do ANYTHING!!!
