
March 13, 2009

Fluffy Monster Pops!

Ooooo... I found the cutest idea at Conversation with a Cupcake. I, of course, couldn't create a pink fluffy pop. I am after all the mother of two boys. So, I had to change the idea and turn them into "Fluffy Monster Pops". My guys were happy to find them on the table when they came home from school today. This is an easy and great after school treat! If you want to see how they're made, go to the link above and see what it is like to have a converstation with a cupcake! Her site is adorable!

As you can see, they were a big hit as an after school treat. Fridays are known for being the day when we have something unhealthy as a treat rather than our typical healthy afterschool snack.
So much for that dental appointment we just got home from. I'm sure V's hygienist would love to see these photos!

G. gives the big thumbs up!


  1. Ahhh! These are so cute! It would be cute to do white ghost ones for halloween too! Thanks for sharing such a cute idea!

  2. Oooooooh! Squeal of DELIGHT!

    The monsters are TOO cute! What a great idea. I'm going to give you a shout out as soon as I get back on my blogger account.


  3. What a great idea. And look how cute he is checkin out the monsters. It looks like you got a thumbs up!!
    Have a great day.

  4. I FINALLY got a button up on my blog, linking to this idea. So sorry it took so long!!!

    Happy day! Keep up all your FABULOUS creating!!!
