
August 28, 2009

Last Days of Summer

This past week has been a good one. We drove down to my parents' house in PA and stayed for a week. We went to a family reunion and camped out in a tent. The boys loved it and we had a nice time seeing everyone again. The weather was perfect and there was lots of good food.

The most fun part? We got to see & HOLD this little cutie. My baby niece! This little sweetie has been through a lot in her few months on this earth. She's had several brain surgeries to replace her shunt that takes fluid away from her brain. So, needless-to-say, we're REALLY happy to see her and play with her. She barely ever cries and has a wonderful disposition!

The boys in their tent.

August 18, 2009

G and V Diving

We've had such a successful summer! Both boys learned to ride their bikes and to dive into the pool and touch the bottom. I'm amazed how quickly they learned. Last year V wouldn't even put his head under the water at the beginning of summer. Now he's diving head-first into the deep end!


August 14, 2009

Chalkboard Labels

Today, my bloggy friend, Sandra, over at This Small House blogged about some awesome labels that she found. They are sticky-backed chalkboard labels. I was thinking about how jealous I was that she found these great stickers because I could really use some of them. Upon commenting on her post, I thought, "I wonder if I could make some of those?" and had a great idea. Or so I thought. So, I gave it a try. Did it work?

I took a sheet of address labels from my computer drawer and gathered up some chalkboard paint that has been sitting in the basement gathering dust.

I painted two layers of chalkboard paint on the labels with a regular brush.

Took a picture of the creature who was keeping me company while the paint dried....

Once dried (maybe an hour later), I wrote in chalk and peeled and...

Stuck! YES.... I did work! Give it a try!


August 13, 2009


This is the funnel water ride that my BABIES went on. Please, do not let your little ones go on this ride. It was totally against my better judgement that I let Jeff talk me into letting them go on it. It is WAY scary and WAY fast.

Just thought you should know.

Summertime at the Pond

Every season, I take my camera to the pond near our house and take pictures of my boys by this same tree. It didn't start as a tradition, but it seems to have turned into one. Do you have things that you do like this? I like to call them "accidental traditions". I am going to go back through my pictures someday and find them all and put them in one place. {Yes, that dreaded "someday"}. It will be fun to look at them all as they get older.

In other news.... V. lost his tooth last night and the toothfairy came! She left him $3. He is so excited. The tooth that was in there had been loose for so long that food accumulated in it and started rotting it, so we had to get it out of there. We couldn't tell last night, but this morning, there is a shiny, pointy white tooth sticking out in that space. Here's his toothless grin (sort of).


August 9, 2009

YEAH! 50!

I hit 50 followers today!

Thanks so much to you all for following my blog!!!

A Day at Darien Lake

We spent all day Thursday traveling to Darien Lake... a great time was had by all. The boys had so much fun! G. rode every rollercoaster! V. decided after the first one that we only took him there to torture him (he was kidding), so we didn't expect him to go on any others. They both loved the waterpark and went on the big funnel ride called the tornado. V. said he loved it, but he would NEVER do it again! (Shhhhh... maybe next year)

An over-exposed, but good picture of G's eye color. I can never get a picture with his eyes that open!